
Project name

Grant Agreement number: 957008 — TEUTA — H2020-INNOSUP-2018-2020 – Technology Enabler for Internet of Underwater Things Applications

Grant Agreement number: 873132 — TECTONIC — H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019 – TEchnological Consortium TO develop sustaiNabIlity of underwater Cultural heritage

Grant Agreement number: 754450 — aPad — H2020-FETOPEN-4-2016-2017 – smaller, lighter, smarter autonomous marine surface vehicle

Projekt: KK., Lako-prenosiva autonomna robotska bova za potporu ronjenju, poziv: Inovacije novoosnovanih MSP-ova – II faza, 2019-2021

Projekt: „Samostalni sustav za podvodnu lokalizaciju“, „Projekt je sufinanciran sredstvima Hrvatske agencije za malo gospodarstvo, inovacije i investicije (HAMAG-BICRO) iz Programa provjere inovativnog koncepta“. 2018-2019

User name

H2O robotics d.o.o.

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Since its inception, H2O Robotics has been recognized by the European Commission and awarded the European Commission’s Seal of Excellence. Goal of commercialising H2Omni-X (aPad) as a product was to transform the vehicle from a research project into a market-ready product able to kick-off a sustainable business in the field of autonomous unmanned marine vehicles. The main goals of other EU Projects are to adapt the compact size autonomous unmanned surface robots and communication & localization products for use in diving, marine acheology, and marine biology markets.

Objectives and expected results of the project

  • commercialization of an autonomous diving support buoy / communication devices in the global market
  • launch of a novel underwater acoustic system for localization and communication
  • commercialization of the autonomous buoy / communication devices rental service for which market research has shown that there is significant interest
  • use of H2O products as technology enablers for internet of underwater things applications
  • use of H2O products as technology enablers for sustainabIlity and protection of underwater cultural heritage

The target group are divers, diving centers and the target market includes various segments that include diving in their business scope.

Total project value (in HRK)

987.805,47 kn

Amount co-financed by the EU (in HRK)

839.140,73 kn

Project implementation period

15.10.2019. – 15.4.2021.


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About H2O Robotics

A company specialized in maritime robotics, both underwater and surface, for different purposes and missions.

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